Panzer General
Reading Time: 8 minutesHistory is normally written by the victors, but today, we’re going to pull a retcon on World War II.
Reading Time: 8 minutesHistory is normally written by the victors, but today, we’re going to pull a retcon on World War II.
Reading Time: 8 minutesClearly you haven’t learned your lesson about not buying strange old houses in the late 1980s. Time to rifle through everything and save the world again, but really, you brought this on yourself.
Reading Time: 8 minutesStatic returns and teams up with Tex Murphy – future San Fran’s best (?) private investigator, in his first FMV outing.
Reading Time: 8 minutesKent Knutson is ready to fight the power in the name of individuality and creativity – two things the game itself lacks.
Reading Time: 11 minutesThe grandfather of many a modern RPG, Ultima Underworld takes dungeon crawling into glorious 3D. Helps that it’s not a bad *game* either!
Reading Time: 9 minutesTekWar had grand, nearly Deus Ex-like ideas, but its “virtual city” is an unfinished bore. A rewrite of my sloppy 2004 review (I actually played through it this time).